Holding it Together
Okay. So I found this image on social media. It is NOT our work, but highlights the importance of getting it right. Mortar quite literally holds hard landscapes together. It is SO important to get this basic element right.
How NOT to do it!!
Patio slabs, for example, need a full mortar bed. This means full contact. No voids. No dots. No dabs. They need priming, liberally, as well. I wont go into the how and the why in this post, but it is essentially to do with water and temperature variations.
There is also the question of structural strength. What good is a crumbly mortar? That wont last.
Just like a cake. Get the mixture wrong and, well, it isn’t much good - is it? There are ingredients, ratios and proportions to consider. There are ways to bind and bond, just like ways to mix and rest a cake… also different ingredients for different soil conditions and different end uses.
Adopt the one-size-fits-all approach and your going to be in trouble!