Can we lay?
When the nights draw in and winter approaches, the air and ground temperature drops. Whilst we continue to work through the winter, what we can do (and when) becomes limited.
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On the forums I often see contractors asking if they can still lay a patio, blockwork or bricks. The thing is, we need a ground and air temperature of +4C and rising; ground and air.
This is due to chemistry. When you go below this temperature, the whole process of hydration and curing slows down because the atoms dont have the energy. Then, overnight, when it freezes. That’s it. The cement cant go off.
It will look fine during the time we’re working on it, but come spring time we will find that the structural strength of the mortar just isn’t there. It will be crumbly and weak.
There are special plasticisers with frost proofing properties… speeding up the curing process. But, once that mortar freezes… you’ll be back redoing the work in the spring.
This is why we don’t take the chance and why projects often take longer to complete during the winter.
Quality can not be rushed.